
遺伝子工学研究用試薬の製品名(英語名)、製品カタログ番号(Code No.)、製品安全データシート(Material Safety Data Sheet)を掲載しています。
  • 製品名をクリックすると製品詳細ページをご覧になれます。
  • 製品安全データシート(SDS)のアイコンをクリックするとPDFファイルが表示されます。

※試験成績書(Certificate of Analysis)がご入用の方は、必要事項[品名、Code No.、Lot No.、宛名:要(会社名)/不要]を記載して株式会社ニッポンジーンまたは販売店までお問い合わせください。都度発行していますので2-5営業日ほどかかります。

株式会社ニッポンジーン 学術営業課


※型番・品名の検索は、Ctrl + F (コントロールキーを押したままFを押す、Mac OS はCmd + F ) をお試しください。

製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  0.5M EDTA (pH 8.0) 311-90075
  10% SDS Solution 311-90271, 313-90275
  10M Ammonium Acetate 319-90191
  10X PBS Buffer 314-90185
  10X RE Buffer Set 316-08771
  10X TAE 318-90301
  10X TBS Buffer 317-90175
  1M MgCl2 310-90361
  1M Tris-HCl (pH 7.0) 313-90415, 311-90411
  1M Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) 318-90225, 316-90221
  1M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) 314-90065, 312-90061
  1M Tris-HCl (pH 8.5) 316-90405, 314-90401
  1M Tris-HCl (pH 8.8) 313-90395, 311-90391
  1M Tris-HCl (pH 9.0) 316-90385, 314-90381
  20X SSC 319-90015, 317-90011
  20X TBS (pH7.4) 317-90371
  3M Sodium Acetate 316-90081
  50X ROX Passive Reference 319-08401
  50X TAE 313-90035
  5X TBE 318-90041
  6X Loading Buffer Double Dye 313-90351
  6X Loading Buffer OrangeG 317-90251
  6X Loading Buffer Triple Dye 314-90261
  96-7 DNA Polymerase 319-07301
  α-Amylase Ultrapure 316-04751, 312-04753, 310-04754
  φX174 RF I DNA 318-00654, 314-00656


A 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  AccI 318-00012, 312-00015, 310-00016
  AccII 315-00022, 319-00025, 317-00026
  Acetylated BSA 316-07291
  Acid Phenol 315-90291
  AflII 312-02531, 318-02533, 316-02534
  Agarose 21 313-03242, 319-03244, 311-03243, 315-03241
  Agarose H 319-01201, 317-01202, 315-01203
  Agarose HS 312-01431, 318-01433
  Agarose S 312-01193, 313-90231, 318-01195, 316-01191
  Agarose S Tablet 316-06071, 312-06073
  Agarose X 311-02682, 313-02681, 319-02683
  Agarose XP 312-06512, 310-06513, 316-06515, 314-06511
  AgeI 313-02561, 319-02563, 317-02564
  Alkaline Phosphatase recombinant (Calf intestine) 312-08011
  AluI 312-00032, 316-00035, 314-00036
  AMV Reverse Transcriptase 311-07501
  Anti-Cas9 Monoclonal Antibody 310-08431
  Anti-Taq antibody 311-08221
  ApaI 311-00862, 315-00865, 313-00866
  AseI 319-02541, 315-02543, 313-02544
  Assist Buffer for ISOSPIN Plant RNA 315-08501
  AvaI 319-00042, 313-00045, 311-00046, 311-02981
  AvaII 316-00052, 310-00055, 318-00056
  AxyI 314-01011, 312-01012, 316-01015


B 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  B.rapa Discrimination ACCg8 Oligonucleotide 319-07183
  B.rapa Discrimination B.napus Positive Control Plasmid 316-07171, 312-07173
  B.rapa Discrimination B.rapa Positive Control Plasmid 317-07221, 313-07223
  B.rapa Discrimination BnC1 Oligonucleotide 316-07193
  Bac'n'Roll Beads 314-06251
  Bacterial Alkaline Phosphatase (E.coli C75) 310-01591, 316-01593
  BalI 310-00491, 318-00492, 312-00495
  BamHI 315-00061, 319-00064, 315-00066, 310-01971
  BclI 318-02511, 314-02513, 312-02514
  BglI 310-00072, 314-00075, 312-00076
  BglII 319-00081, 315-00083, 313-00084, 317-01981
  Bits社 次世代シーケンシング関連情報処理技術 -  
  Blunting-Convenience Kit 312-06291
  BsmI 312-01291, 318-01293, 316-01294
  Bsp1286I 317-01023, 315-01024, 311-01026
  BssHII 311-01222, 315-01225, 313-01226, 318-02991
  Bst DNA Polymerase 311-07481
  BstEII 314-00092, 318-00095, 316-00096, 311-02001
  Bubble Block 315-07021
  Buffer 受託調製 -  


C 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  Campylobacter LAMP Primer Set for GENEMAL 319-09501
  Cas3 protein NLS 311-09441
  Cascade-crRNA complex, hB2M 312-09471
  Cascade-crRNA複合体作製サービス -
  Cas9 Nickase protein NLS 317-09161
  Cas9 Nuclease protein NLS 319-08641, 316-08651
  Charomid 9-20 311-01381
  Charomid 9-28 318-01391
  Charomid 9-36 311-01401
  Charomid 9-42 318-01411
  ChIP Reagents 318-07131
  CLEAR STAIN Blue 312-08491
  Cloning Vector pTS1 DNA 300-10123
  ColE1 DNA 312-00434, 318-00436
  Collection Tube 319-08141, 315-08143  
  Combination 10 005-04036  
  Combination 5 007-04035  
  Complete RNA series Beta actin mRNA, Human 317-06861
  Complete RNA series Gapdh mRNA, Human 313-06841
  Control RNA, Human RNase P 311-09321
  Control RNA, SARS-CoV-2 (N gene)  318-09331
  Csa DNA Polymerase 319-07281
  CUGA3 in vitro Transcription Kit 307-15493, 301-15491
  CUGA6 in vitro Transcription Kit 309-88223, 303-88221
  CUGA7 gRNA Synthesis Kit 314-08691
  CUGA7 in vitro Transcription Kit 307-13531, 304-14641


D 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  dA-overhang reaction Mix 313-08781
  dCas9 protein NLS 314-09171
  Deoxyribonuclease (RT Grade) 313-03161
  Deoxyribonuclease (RT Grade) for Heat Stop 312-05951, 318-05953
  Deoxyribonuclease Glycerol Solution 311-08081
  DEPC treated Water 314-90205, 312-90201, 318-90203
  DEPC treated Water, Nuclease free 317-09541
  DGGE Marker I (5 fragments) 314-06413, 312-06414, 318-06411
  DGGE Marker II (10 fragments) 317-06403, 315-06404, 311-06401
  DGGE Marker III (10 fragments) 311-06923, 319-06924, 315-06921
  DGGE Marker IV (8 fragments) 318-06933, 316-06934, 312-06931
  DGGE Marker V (9 fragments) 315-06943, 313-06944, 319-06941
  DirectAce qPCR Mix plus ROX tube 318-07751
  Distilled Water, Deionized, Sterile 318-90105, 316-90101, 312-90103
  DNase I (RNase free) 314-08071
  dNTPs Mixture (25mM each) 312-07271
  Dr. Gene 1 ver.2 E.coli transformation kit (LacZ expression) 310-06351
  Dr. Gene 2 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Kit 318-05431
  Dr. Gene 6 E.coli transformation kit (GFP expression) 314-08451
  Dr. Gene 7 Plant Genotyping PCR Kit 311-08461
  Dr. Gene 8 DNA profiling Kit 318-08471
  Dr. Gene 9 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Set 315-08481
  DraI 318-00872, 312-00875, 310-00876, 318-02011


E 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  EcoO109I 318-01151, 316-01152, 310-01155
  EcoRI 314-00112, 310-00114, 318-00115, 314-01751
  EcoRII 317-00881, 315-00882, 319-00885
  EcoRV 317-00462, 311-00465, 319-00466, 315-02021
  ECOS Competent E.coli BL21(DE3) 318-06531, 314-06533, 312-06534
  ECOS Competent E.coli XL1-Blue 311-06521, 317-06523, 315-06524
  ECOS Competent E.coli DH5α 310-06231, 316-06233, 314-06234, 310-06236
  ECOS Competent E.coli DH5α -Jumbo Pack- 312-07031
  ECOS Competent E.coli JM109 317-06241, 313-06243, 311-06244, 317-06246
  ECOS SONIC Competent E.coli BL21(DE3) Derived 318-09071, 314-09073
  ECOS X Competent E.coli DH5α 314-07731, 310-07733
  EcoT38I 314-01072, 318-01075, 316-01076, 315-03001
  EHEC LAMP Primer Set for GENEMAL 316-09511
  EtBr Solution 315-90051
  Ethachinmate 312-01791, 318-01793
  Expression Vector pLEAD4 DNA, pre-digested 315-06801
  Expression Vector pLEAD5 DNA, pre-digested 312-06811


F 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  FokI 319-00123, 317-00124, 313-00126
  FRED Assay Kit for Eukaryotic DNA 317-08681
  FRED Assay Kit for Plant DNA 310-08671
  FspI 315-02521, 311-02523, 319-02524


G 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  GB3 Buffer 315-06661
  GE1 Buffer 314-06371
  GE2 Buffer 311-06381
  GE2-K Buffer 318-06651
  Gene Keeper RNA & DNA stabilization solution 319-08901
  Gene Ladder 100 (0.1-2kbp) 316-06951
  Gene Ladder Fast 1 (4bands:0.1-2kbp) 317-06981
  Gene Ladder Fast 2 (6bands:0.1-10kbp) 314-06991
  Gene Ladder Wide 1 (0.1-20kbp) 313-06961
  Gene Ladder Wide 2 (0.1-20kbp) 310-06971
  Gene RED PCR Mix Plus 311-07763, 319-07764, 315-07761
  Gene Taq 318-02871, 314-02873, 312-02874
  Gene Taq FP 317-04161, 313-04163
  Gene Taq NT 318-03231, 314-03233, 312-03234
  GeneAce cDNA Synthesis Kit 319-08881
  GeneAce Probe qPCR Mix II 317-08821, 313-08823
  GeneAce Probe qPCR Mix II with UNG 314-09051  
  GeneAce Reverse Transcriptase 316-08151, 312-08153
  GeneAce RL qPCR Mix with UNG 312-08413
  GeneAce SYBR qPCR Mix II 313-09423, 317-09421
  GeneAce SYBR qPCR Mix α 319-07683
  GeneAce SYBR qPCR Mix α Low ROX 316-07693
  GeneAce SYBR qPCR Mix α No ROX 319-07703
  GENEMAL 319-09481  
  GENEMAL LAMP FL Mix 313-09521
  GM Maize (MIR162) Detection Plasmid Set -ColE1/TE- 312-08371
  GM Maize (MIR604) Detection Plasmid Set -ColE1/TE- 318-08351
  GM Maize (Single Kernel) Detection Positive Control Plasmid 314-07231
  GM Maize Detection Bt10 (for 1st screening) Oligonucleotide 313-06601, 319-06603
  GM Maize Detection Bt10 (for 2nd screening) Oligonucleotide 310-06611, 316-06613
  GM Maize Detection Bt10 Positive Control Plasmid 317-06621, 313-06623
  GM Maize Detection Bt11 Oligonucleotide Set 315-05561
  GM Maize Detection Bt11-3 Oligonucleotide 319-05461, 315-05463
  GM Maize Detection CBH351 (for 1st screening) Oligonucleotide 315-05681, 311-05683
  GM Maize Detection CBH351 (for 2nd screening) Oligonucleotide 312-05691, 318-05693
  GM Maize Detection CBH351 Positive Control Plasmid 317-04921, 313-04923
  GM Maize Detection CBH351 Positive Control Plasmid for LAMP 315-06301
  GM Maize Detection CBH351 Primer Mix for LAMP 312-06311
  GM Maize Detection E176 Oligonucleotide Set 312-05571
  GM Maize Detection E176-2 Oligonucleotide 316-05471, 312-05473
  GM Maize Detection GA21 Oligonucleotide Set 318-05551
  GM Maize Detection GA21-3 Oligonucleotide 312-05451, 318-05453
  GM Maize Detection M810 Oligonucleotide Set 316-05591
  GM Maize Detection M810-2 Oligonucleotide 310-05491, 316-05493
  GM Maize Detection MIR162 Oligonucleotide Set 315-08361
  GM Maize Detection MIR604 Oligonucleotide Set 311-08341
  GM Maize Detection Plasmid Set-ColE1/TE- 313-05981
  GM Maize Detection Positive Control Plasmid 314-04811
  GM Maize Detection SSIIb (for endogenous gene) Oligonucleotide 315-05441, 311-05443
  GM Maize Detection SSIIb (for endogenous gene) Oligonucleotide Set 311-05541
  GM Maize Detection SSIIb (for endogenous gene) Primer Mix for LAMP 319-06321
  GM Maize Detection SSIIb-3 (for endogenous gene) Oligonucleotide 312-06051, 318-06053
  GM Maize Detection SSIIb-3 (for endogenous gene) Oligonucleotide Set 319-06061
  GM Maize Detection T25 Oligonucleotide Set 319-05581
  GM Maize Detection T25-1 Oligonucleotide 313-05481, 319-05483
  GM Maize Detection Zein (for endogenous gene) Oligonucleotide 318-05671, 314-05673
  GM Maize Multiplex PCR Marker 318-07251
  GM Maize ΔΔCq Standard Plasmid Set 313-09141
  GM Papaya Detection 55-1 (Event-specific) Oligonucleotide Set 310-07711
  GM Papaya Detection 55-1 Positive Control Plasmid 2 317-07721, 313-07723
  GM Papaya Detection Chy (for endogenous gene) Oligonucleotide Set 317-08181
  GM Papaya Detection HN Oligonucleotide 313-08203
  GM Papaya Detection PRSV HN Positive Control Plasmid 314-08191, 310-08193
  GM Papaya Detection PRSV-SC Oligonucleotide Set 315-07881
  GM Papaya Detection PRSV-YK(35S) Oligonucleotide Set 310-81211
  GM Papaya Detection PRSV-YK(YK-2) Oligonucleotide Set 313-81201
  GM Potato Detection APRT (for endogenous gene) Oligonucleotide Set 317-08561
  GM Potato Detection E12 Oligonucleotide Set 314-08571
  GM Potato Detection F10 Oligonucleotide Set 311-08581
  GM Potato Detection INNATE EFJ Positive Control Plasmid 311-08601, 317-08603
  GM Potato Detection INNATE XY Positive Control Plasmid 310-09031, 316-09033
  GM Potato Detection J3 Oligonucleotide Set 318-08591
  GM Potato Detection NewLeaf Oligonucleotide 313-06483
  GM Potato Detection NewLeaf Plus (for 1st screening) Oligonucleotide 318-05713
  GM Potato Detection NewLeaf Plus (for 2nd screening) Oligonucleotide 315-05723
  GM Potato Detection NewLeaf Plus (NLP01) Oligonucleotide 310-06493
  GM Potato Detection NewLeaf Plus Positive Control Plasmid 311-05301, 317-05303
  GM Potato Detection NewLeaf Y SEMT 15-02 (for 2nd screening) Oligonucleotide 310-06013
  GM Potato Detection Pss (for endogenous gene) Oligonucleotide 311-05703
  GM Potato Detection UGPase Oligonucleotide 316-05993
  GM Potato Detection X17 Oligonucleotide Set 316-09011
  GM Potato Detection Y9 Oligonucleotide Set 313-09021
  GM Potato Positive Control Plasmid (for qualitative analysis) 317-06501, 313-06503
  GM Potato Screening CryIIIA Oligonucleotide 316-06473
  GM quicker 317-06361
  GM quicker 2 310-06591
  GM quicker 2 Enzyme Set 312-06671
  GM quicker 3 311-07241
  GM quicker 4 316-07791
  GM quicker 96 319-07161
  GM Rice Detection (63Bt) Oligonucleotide Set 2 319-07541
  GM Rice Detection (CpTI) Oligonucleotide 2 317-07581  
  GM Rice Detection (IR) Rice Positive Control Plasmid 2 310-07571, 316-07573
  GM Rice Detection (NNBt) Oligonucleotide Set 2 316-07551
  GM Rice Detection Bt Rice (for 1st screening) Oligonucleotide 312-06713  
  GM Rice Detection Bt Rice (for 2nd screening) Oligonucleotide 319-06723  
  GM Rice Detection Bt Rice Positive Control Plasmid 317-06741, 313-06743
  GM Rice Detection Cry1Ac Oligonucleotide 315-06703  
  GM Rice Detection PLD (for endogenous gene) Oligonucleotide Set 2 312-07531
  GM Rice Detection SPS (for endogenous gene) Oligonucleotide 312-06693  
  GM Salmon Detection 18SrRNA (for endogenous gene) Oligonucleotide Set 314-08711
  GM Salmon Detection AquAd Oligonucleotide 312-08751
  GM Salmon Detection AquAd Positive Control Plasmid 318-08731, 314-08733
  GM Soy ΔΔCq Standard Plasmid Set 316-09131
  GM Soybean(LLS) Detection LLS Oligonucleotide Set 312-07391
  GM Soybean(LLS) Detection Plasmid Set-ColE1/TE- 315-07381
  GM Soybean(RR2) Detection Plasmid Set -ColE1/TE- 316-07671
  GM Soybean(RR2) Detection RR2 Oligonucleotide Set 319-07661
  GM Soybean(RRS) Detection Le1(for endogenous gene) Oligonucleotide Set 319-05601
  GM Soybean(RRS) Detection Le1n02 (for endogenous gene) Oligonucleotide 313-05501, 319-05503
  GM Soybean(RRS) Detection Plasmid Set-ColE1/TE- 316-05971
  GM Soybean(RRS) Detection Positive Control Plasmid 311-04941
  GM Soybean(RRS) Detection RRS Oligonucleotide Set 316-05611
  GM Soybean(RRS) Detection RRS-01 Oligonucleotide 310-05511, 316-05513
  GM Wheat Detection ACC1 (for endogenous gene) Oligonucleotide Set 319-09001
  GM Wheat Detection MON71200 Positive Control Plasmid 315-08981, 311-08983
  GMO Detection No Template Control-ColE1/TE- 318-06031
  GMO Detection NOS Oligonucleotide Set 310-05631
  GMO Detection NOS Oligonucleotide Set 2 310-08551
  GMO Detection NOS ter-2 Oligonucleotide 314-05531, 310-05533
  GMO Detection P35S Oligonucleotide Set 313-05621
  GMO Detection P35S-1 Oligonucleotide 317-05521, 313-05523
  Go-to DNA Polymerase 313-08661, 319-08663
  GW Buffer 311-06641


H 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  HaeII 318-00132, 312-00135, 310-00136
  HaeIII 317-00141, 313-00143, 311-00144, 319-02041
  HEX Calibration Probe 318-06771
  HhaI 319-00162, 313-00165, 311-00166
  Hi-Competence Broth 319-01343
  High-Salt Precipitation Solution 313-06341
  HincII 316-00172, 310-00175, 318-00176
  HindIII 311-01163, 319-01164, 313-01162, 311-01761
  HinfI 310-00192, 314-00195, 310-00197, 313-02061
  Hot-Start Gene RED PCR Mix 315-08383, 313-08384
  Hot-Start Gene Taq 319-07041, 315-07043
  Hot-Start Gene Taq NT 311-07523, 319-07524
  HpaI 313-00202, 317-00205, 315-00206
  HRV-3C Protease 317-09301
  HULK Alginate lyase 319-08261


I 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  Internal Positive Control 315-08241
  ISHR1 PBS Buffer 311-02741
  ISHR10 RNase A Solution 313-02821
  ISHR11 0.1X SSC 310-02831
  ISHR2 PBS(Glycine) Buffer 318-02751
  ISHR3 Acetylation Buffer 315-02761
  ISHR4 Acetic anhydride 312-02771
  ISHR5 4X SSC 319-02781
  ISHR7 Hybridization Buffer 316-02791
  ISHR8 Hybridization buffer用 DTT 319-02801
  ISHR9 NTE Buffer 316-02811
  ISOFECAL 318-06271
  ISOFECAL for Beads Beating 315-06281
  ISOGEN 311-02501, 317-02503, 315-02504, 319-90211
  ISOGEN II 311-07361, 317-07363
  ISOGEN with Spin Column 318-07511
  ISOGEN-LS 311-02621, 317-02623
  ISOGENOME 314-08113
  ISOHAIR 319-03401
  ISOHAIR EASY 319-07781
  ISOHAIR Jr. 314-04431, 310-04433
  ISOIL 316-06211
  ISOIL for Beads Beating 319-06201
  ISOIL for RNA 312-07411
  ISOIL Large for Beads ver.2 312-06791
  ISOPLANT 314-02731
  ISOPLANT II 310-04151, 316-04153
  ISOSPIN Agarose Gel 311-07981
  ISOSPIN Blood & Plasma DNA 312-08131
  ISOSPIN Cell & Tissue RNA 314-08211, 310-08213
  ISOSPIN Liquid Sample miRNA 318-09191
  ISOSPIN Fecal DNA 315-08621
  ISOSPIN PCR Product 315-08001
  ISOSPIN Plant DNA 312-08631
  ISOSPIN Plant RNA 310-08171, 316-08173
  ISOSPIN Plant RNA (with Assist Buffer) 311-09061  
  ISOSPIN Plasmid 318-07991
  ISOSPIN Soil DNA 310-09151
  ISOSPIN Tissue DNA 316-08891
  ISOSPIN Viral RNA 310-08931
  Isothermal Master Mix 313-81103
  ISOVIRUS 310-08811
  ISOVIRUS II 312-09091


K 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  Klenow Fragment 312-00814, 318-00816
  KpnI 310-00212, 314-00215, 312-00216, 310-02071


L 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  Lambda DNA 318-00414, 314-00416
  Lambda DNA(Klenow treated) 318-05291, 314-05293
  LAMBDA INN 317-01741
  LAMP MASTER for Fluorescence 317-08941
  LAMP MASTER for Turbidity 311-08961
  LAMP MASTER for Turbidity (Visible Dye) 314-08951
  LAMP プライマー設計&合成サービス 001-00890  
  LF-8 Plus 310-09271  
  Ligation-Convenience Kit 319-05961, 315-05963
  Loading Buffer 313-90111
  Low-EDTA TE (pH 8.0), Nuclease free 310-09581
  LT-16 313-09261  
  Lysis buffer for DirectAce 318-08231
  Lysis Solution 20S (ISOIL) 315-09101
  Lysis Solution BB SP1 313-06221


M 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  Marker 1(λ/Hind III digest) 316-00454, 312-00456
  Marker 10(pBR322/Msp I digest) 317-01501, 313-01503
  Marker 11(pUC19/Msp I digest) 319-03261, 315-03263
  Marker 2 (λ/Hind III・EcoR I double digest) 319-00564, 315-00566
  Marker 3 (λ/Hind III+λ/EcoR I digest mixture)  316-00574, 312-00576
  Marker 4 (φX174/Hae III digest) 315-00664, 311-00666
  Marker 5 (φX174/Hinc II digest) 312-00674, 318-00676
  Marker 6 (λ/Sty I digest) 313-00964, 319-00966
  Marker 7GT (T4GT7+T4GT7/Bgl I digest mixture) 315-03981, 311-03983
  Marker 8GT (T4GT7+T4GT7/Bgl II digest mixture) 312-03991, 318-03993
  Marker 9 (φX174/Hinf I digest) 314-01491, 310-01493
  MluI 313-00241, 319-00243, 317-00244
  M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase 313-08161, 319-08163
  MspI 318-00252, 312-00255, 318-00257, 317-02081
  Multicolor Protein Ladder (10- 315 kDa) 310-07831


N 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  NarI 311-00502, 315-00505, 313-00506
  NciI 312-01132, 316-01135, 314-01136
  NcoI 310-00511, 312-00515, 310-00516, 319-03021
  NdeI 319-01142, 313-01145, 311-01146
  NdeII 317-01861, 313-01863, 311-01864
  NheI 314-00891, 310-00893, 318-00894
  NotI 316-01451, 312-01453, 310-01454
  NruI 315-00522, 319-00525, 317-00526
  NsiI 317-00901, 315-00902, 319-00905
  NspV 312-00912, 316-00915, 314-00916


O 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  OneSTEP Ladder 100 (0.1-2 kbp) 313-05241, 319-05243, 317-05244
  OneSTEP Ladder 1kb (1-10kbp) 310-05371, 316-05373, 314-05374
  OneSTEP Ladder 50 (0.05-2.0 kbp) 315-06041, 311-06043, 319-06044
  OneSTEP Ladder 500 (0.5-5kbp) 313-05361, 319-05363, 317-05364
  OneSTEP Ladder Supercoiled 317-05381
  OneSTEP Marker 1 (λ/Hind III digest) 310-05251, 314-05254
  OneSTEP Marker 10 (pBR322/Msp I digest) 315-05821, 311-05823
  OneSTEP Marker 11 (pUC19/Msp I digest) 312-05831, 318-05833
  OneSTEP Marker 2 (λ/Hind III, EcoR I double digest) 317-05261, 311-05264
  OneSTEP Marker 3 (λ/Hind III + EcoR I digest mixture) 314-05271, 310-05273
  OneSTEP Marker 4 (φX174/Hae III digest) 318-05791, 314-05793
  OneSTEP Marker 5 (φX174/Hinc II digest) 311-05801, 317-05803
  OneSTEP Marker 6 (λ/Sty I digest) 311-05281, 317-05283
  OneSTEP Marker 9 (φX174/Hinf I digest) 318-05811, 314-05813


P 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  pACYC177 DNA 310-02191
  pACYC184 DNA 313-02201
  pBR322 DNA 319-00444, 315-00446
  PCR Inhibitor CleanUp Kit 315-09461
  Phenol/Chloroform/Isoamyl alcohol (25 : 24 : 1) 311-90151
  Pho DNA Polymerase 314-07111
  pMW 118 DNA 314-01871
  pMW 119 DNA 313-01581
  pMW 218 DNA 317-02601
  pMW 219 DNA 310-02571
  Precipitation Solution (ISOIL) 319-09121, 315-09123
  PstI 312-01171, 314-01175, 312-01176, 318-01771
  pUC 18 DNA 314-00994, 310-00996
  pUC 19 DNA 311-01004, 317-01006
  Purification Solution (ISOIL) 312-09111, 318-09113
  PvuII 311-00281, 317-00283, 315-00284, 317-02101


Q 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  qPCR Mastermix Plus 312-80291  
  qPCR Mastermix Plus Low Rox 312-80431  


R 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  Rapid Indel Detection Kit 313-08921
  Ribonuclease (DNase free) Glycerol Solution 312-01931
  Ribonuclease (DNase free) Solution 313-01461
  RNA Ladder (0.125-6.0kb) 311-06261, 317-06263
  RNase A 318-06391
  RNase Inhibitor 315-08121
  RsaI 318-00291, 314-00293, 312-00294, 314-02111
  RT mate 315-05941, 311-05943


S 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  SacI 319-00302, 313-00305, 311-00306, 311-02121
  SacII 319-00922, 313-00925, 311-00926
  SalI 318-00311, 314-00313, 312-00314, 315-01781
  Salmonella LAMP Primer Set for GENEMAL 316-09491
  Sau3AI 313-00322, 311-00323, 319-00324
  Sau96I 310-00332, 314-00335, 312-00336
  ScaI 313-01081, 319-01083, 317-01084
  ScrFI 318-00931, 316-00932, 310-00935
  SDS-PAGE 10X Running Buffer 312-90321, 318-90323
  SfiI 319-01441, 315-01443, 313-01444
  SmaI 314-00352, 318-00355, 316-00356, 318-02131
  Smart Ladder (0.2-10kbp) 317-03941
  SP6 Promoter Primer 318-02631
  SpeI 315-01541, 311-01543, 319-01544
  SphI 310-01091, 316-01093, 314-01094
  SspI 313-01101, 311-01102, 315-01105
  StuI 315-00365, 311-00367, 319-00368
  StyI 315-00941, 311-00943, 319-00944


T 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  T3 Promoter Primer 312-02651
  T4 DNA Ligase 311-00404, 317-00406
  T4 gene 32 protein 312-03251
  T4 GT7 DNA (T4dC DNA) 318-03971
  T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 312-01551
  T7 Endonuclease I reaction Mix 313-08801
  T7 Promoter Primer 315-02641
  TA-Blunt Ligation Kit 311-06543
  TA-Enhancer Cloning Kit 316-08271
  TaqI 318-00372, 312-00375, 310-00376, 316-03031
  Taq MutS 316-04011
  TE (pH8.0) 316-90025, 314-90021, 310-90023
  TE (pH 8.0), Nuclease free 317-09281
  TE Saturated Phenol 313-90091, 319-90093
  Template Prepper for Cell RNA 318-09451
  Template Prepper for DNA 316-08911
  TEV Protease (Glycerol free) 314-09311
  Thermostable β-Agarase 311-07121, 317-07123
  Tube Strip 317-81081  


U 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  UniversAll Extraction Buffer II 316-08391
  Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UNG) 317-09041


W 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  Water, Nuclease free 314-09291


X 製品名(英語名) Code No. SDS
  XbaI 317-00381, 313-00383, 317-00386, 312-02151
  XhoI 312-00392, 316-00395, 314-00396, 319-02161
